Sunday, October 11, 2009

Roman Law in Modern Life: Stoicism

Romans promoted the idea of Stoicism, the importance of virtue, duty, and endurance in life. These were values that the Romans thought highly of. The belief of Stoicism helped create a strong sense of citizenship in Rome. The country provides protection and security for its citizens and in return, the citizens are expected to be active and participate in society to strengthen their country. Today, the Stoic idea of public duty still stands in America. Some examples are voting and recycling. The picture to the left portrays Marcus Tullius Cicero, one of the most important Stoic philosophers in Roman times. Cicero was a scholar and politician.
I used my social science textbook for this information, World History: Medieval and Early Modern Times.

Works Cited:

World History: Medieval and Early Modern

Times.McDougal Littell, 2006. Print.
Picture Citation:
Digital Image. The Romans. Taylor and Francis. Web. 11 Oct. 2009. .


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