Sunday, October 18, 2009

Roman Citizenship in Modern Life: Social Classes

Like many other cultures, Rome divided into three classes: Roman citizens, non-citizen provincials, and slaves. The citizens divided themselves even more into the Senate, which was controlled by the emperor, consuls, government officials, and equestrians, rich men who served in the army and the administration. In modern life, Americans are also divided into classes such as the middle and upper classes. However, now, we do not have slaves, although we do have a lower class also called the working class. And just like today, people could change their rankings in Roman society, for example, many Roman citizens had slave ancestors. Roman slaves were sometimes oppressed but many others were treated well and even had the power to the civil service for a while. Nowadays, we can switch jobs or get elected to change our position in society.The picture above depicts a scene from the Roman slave markets.

Works Cited:

Eyewitness Books: Ancient Rome:
James, Simon. Ancient Rome. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1990. Print.

Slave Market picture:
Digital image. Wikipedia. Wikipedia, 13 Sept. 2009. Web. 18 Oct. 2009. .

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